
Things I Fail at Wednesday.

Depression Wednesday =

*My oldest friend just updated her FB to "I just love being a mommy!"  She just had her baby last week.  I'm happy for her---don't get me wrong.  But bitter me instantaneously took over.  I'm sure I'd love it to, if it ever happens. -_-  June is too far away, and June is just the beginning stage of this whole ungodly process. Sigh.

*I'll be heading back home soon for a visit, which means I'll undoubtedly hear the endless questioning from my family as to why I don't have a job yet.  "Are you even looking?  Are you even trying"  Yes--thanks.  I apply endlessly to no avail.  I'm over qualified for retail, and I don't have enough experience with my certification to be looked at seriously by anyone.  It sucks, I know.  And I'm sure I couldn't even squeak by with a "But I started making hair clips.."  Before that sentiment could get out of my mouth, it would be deemed a failure, not good enough, zero win.

*I need help to stick to my (non-existant) workout regiment, but I don't have that.  I'm not one of those people that can just go forth and do it.  DH has to do two rounds of PT at work, so I don't ever want to ask him to go for a third when he gets home.  But when we do talk about it, he says he'll help, but he never sticks to it.  And naturally I don't want to remind him because of my previous reasoning.

*Ex-husband has decided to finally take care of the cell phone issue that has been ongoing since our divorce, but it's so abrupt and sudden that now I'm at a loss as to what to do.  Figures.

Is it Thursday yet?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you are having a bad day. TTC is deffinetly an emotional roller coaster. My DH helps a lot, as does BBC, and venting on my blog. We used to tell DH's family a lot of what was going on, but then I felt like they weren't understanding what we were going through-especially with TTC. I signed up for a belly dancing class last year and while it was not something I ever thought I would do, since I can't dance, I've loved every minute of it. It is only once a week but it works with my zero athletic ability, and I feel more confident and motivated. Is there anything you can sign up for, like yoga, dance, even a dvd of yoga for fertility? I hope you are able to find a job soon, the economy seems to be finally turning around so that should help. Good luck=)
