
Wasting away again in Infertility-ville..

I have very mixed feelings about the appointment I had at Walter Reed REI today.  I feel happy that I've taken a step towards progress and ultimately happiness, however it also feels like I've stepped in mud and may find it a struggle to get the next foot to go forward.  Let's face it:  infertility is a waiting game and patience never made it to my virtue list. Happy points -1.

Most things happened like I thought they would.  The RE (who I loved, btw [win!]) reordered pretty much all of the blood work I had done last year since it was in fact, done last year.  I figured as much.  She also redid the ultrasound since the papers I had for the last one were in her words "the most usless thing she's ever looked at."  After the u/s (and a surprise pap smear..my favorite kind) she agreed with the PCOS dx.  However, this is where things got...weird.

She told me for the next few months that I needed to lose weight, which I can agree on.  By this time I was so focused on absorbing all of the things she was telling me, something slipped under my radar.  They give new patients a fancy guide to all things infertile and in it is a chart of where you are supposed to be weight wise.  She had circled in that my goal weight for my next appointment in three months should be 191 lbs.  Wait....what?  I was then straining to remember what the scale in the other room had said, and I could have SWORN it said 168.  But because I lacked full-proof know-how, I didn't say anything and let her continue on with explaining the game plan.  I couldn't get off of this though. 191..what?!  I was texting my wifey about this, and suddenly had a vision.  I remember that on my chart the doctor had on her desk, there was a post-it complaining about my once again high blood pressure and below that it said "Obese- 110 kg".  Certainly not the most knowledgable person on conversions, I googled this.  242 lbs!  Everything made MUCH more sense now.  Seriously, I am all of 5 feet 2 inches tall.  I know I'm overweight, sure, but you can't tell the difference between me and 242 lb me?  So looking back at it now I should have said something, and can't help but wonder if I had if that would have changed the "game plan." I'm kind of stuck on what to do with that. :/ (And both my scales confirmed the 160 range...I was not crazy, this time.)

Game plan is as follows:

She wants me to take Provera for 3 months.  Not 3 months straight, but do the 10 pills, period, week break, and then the next ten pills, so on and so forth in order to thin my lining.  Apparently you *can* get pregnant this way.  But do I ovulate or don't I? I haven't the slightest idea, which makes me wonder if this is a waste of time or not.  Debating buying an OPK, but I'm not sure if that would be a waste of money or not either.  During which time I'm expected to get to that goal weight (which is done...I guess...haha, check!), go see a nutritionist about said goal weight, get a crap ton of blood work done, and DH has to go have private relations with one Mr. Sterile-Cup.

 I also need to figure out my blood pressure issue and get that under control.  I thought I could get some sympathy today, but nay.  I had to drive in the Washington, DC ghetto for the first time ever.  It was insanity, to say the least.  Safe to say I was stressed to the max.  Therefore BP= 143/113. And then again before I left 155/99.  At home it was 132/90 which was much better, but still a little high.  I've never had issues with this crap, so it's very frustrating.

After the three months, I guess then comes an HSG and starting Clomid.  She didn't say anything about starting Met again, so not entirely too sure about that.  Oh, and the next time I go, I may or may not have that doctor again, because they are on rotation.  Thanks Military.

So as of right now, baby dreams are not happening until 2012 apparently.  Unexcited.

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