Easter weekend was both exciting and emotional this year, to say the least.
DH and I took the familiar country roads back down south, with one dog and one cat. Snapple spazzed out the whole time, whining and crying. I was having flashbacks to when I had both dogs in the car when we moved up here. Not good times! I'd say he shed about 20% of his fur on my backseat too. Tatem did not go with us, but had a nice little vacation with one of DH's coworkers. I haven't picked him up yet since we got in so late last night, but safe to say I miss my baby dog! :(
We took the cat back to WV to get him fixed. When you adopt from the shelter there, the fee includes spaying/neutering. DH and I went early to drop him off, but before we had gotten out of the vet's office the vet tech ran out to tell us that Kuro's skin was jaundice and that we should probably get bloodwork done. So we did---turned out his liver enzymes were in the 600s, which they are supposed to be at most in the one to two digit range. He tested negative for HIV/Leukemia so they said it was more than likely liver disease or some other infection. The Vet also said that he wasn't six months old like the shelter said, he was 2-3 years old. They gave us antibiotics and liver supplements, and said if he didn't perk up in a few days then his survival rate was less than 40%. What bothers me, was that before this, he was fine. He loved to sleep (what cat doesn't?) but he was still playful and ate food 24/7. It's like once he knew he was sick, it was over. This all happened Thursday. Friday he was mopey and didn't want to do anything except lay there and purr. Saturday evening, he couldn't even walk. He'd take a few steps and then fall over. Sunday he couldn't move, wouldn't blink, and was barely breathing. We put him down that afternoon. It broke my heart to see him suffer like that, and when he could barely walk I knew he wouldn't make it the rest of the weekend. Seeing my husband cry over him was the worst. We only had Kuro for three weeks--but it was enough for us to get a little attached. I'm glad he didn't spend that time in the pound and that he at least got a chance to feel love before he went to kitty heaven. We love and miss you Kuro Kitty!
AF also visited this weekend, so I'm going to get a whole mess of blood work done today. I have to pick DH up around 3 to take him to his optometrist appointment*, so I'm going to go a smidge early and go to the medical center on base to get it over with. I hate needles, I hate getting blood drawn. It doesn't help that one of the tests I need done is a fasting glucose, so I haven't ate since last night. I am starving! You always want most what you can't have. :)
*This will be the first time DH has gotten his eyes dilated (which I find 2000% hard to believe, because he wears glasses, so I KNOW he's had it done before). Naturally, I will be taking these moments to torture him in his state of blindness. Mwhahaha! And it is well justified too, because he is making me drive to Walter Reed. The last time I drove there by the time I got to it by blood pressure was 155/114. It is scary as shit, to put it nicely. :)
Guess I'll try to get my laziness out of bed now---It is almost noon after all.
I am so sorry to hear about Kuro. It sounds like you gave him a wonderful life=) I hope they have lots of good info. to tell you when you get your blood work results back!